In December of 2008, just before the Electoral College vote to confirm Obama as the next president, I received a package from It was a list of 4,000 names, each of which had paid a princely sum ($19.95?) to sign the petition that warned Electors to do their Constitutional duty and vote against Obama, since he'd never shown his birth certificate, and wasn't born in America, and yadda yadda yadda.....I still have it somewhere, if you want to see it.
The Fedex guy who delivered it recognized the sender, and knew my politics. "What'd they send ya?" So I told him, and I showed him. "What are you gonna do with it?" he asked. And my answer was quick, and clear. "If they'd given a rat's ass about the Constitution at any point during the Bush Administration, I might listen to them," I said. "As it is, fuck 'em." He laughed. We shook hands. He drove off.
In the face of this election, the TeaBaggers, (including those 4,000 signers, I'm sure) have been created out of the whole cloth of hatred for Democrats, but energized by the fact that Democrats actually did what the Constitution said, and elected the person who got the most votes (almost 10Million more than the old guy and the nutbag) and the most Electoral votes, because he was considered more qualified. And who happened to be half-white, instead of all-white.
The Teabaggers are the 18% of America that watch nothing but Fox, listen to nothing but the LimBeck voice of doom, and only read RedState and Freeper-rama. They are the ones that couldn't believe that America would actually elect someone based on their platform and qualifications than on their ability to withstand pain (McCain,) their lack of knowledge (Palin) or their lack of interest (Junior Bush.) At least they were WHITE. (And she's pretty hot in that black leather zipper fetish, and them red six-inch fuck-me pumps. Hoo-aah!)
So when I hear these TeaBaggers screaming about the deficit (90% of which was caused by Bush's tax cuts, two unpaid wars, and deregulation) or about the National Debt (90% of which was generated by the Reagan deficits, and the fiscal stupidity of both Bushs, father and son), and then demanding that "Government better keep its hands off Medicare", (while party Republicans know there's nothing they can cut that won't make voters screammmmmmmmmmm,) well, I just don't have any sympathy.
Because all these problems were created by the Republican 'principles' of tax cuts and deregulation, and all had far worse trend lines when Obama got elected than they do now.
If the Teabaggers had been screaming about this when Georgie suckered them into not one, but two unpaid wars, or when Republicans swindled them into going into debt so that the Bush family's friends could get their taxes cut in half, if any of this 18% had raised a ruckus then, I might listen to them now, when they say 'It's Not Racism' or they whine 'why do you keep blaming Bush?'
But as it is, fuck 'em.
Vote Democratic On November 2nd.
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