Monday, March 20, 2006

Mourn on April 30th...

(was on vacation, watching Spring Training. Hope you missed me!)

Lots of noise about the third anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. Marches on the left, Bush stumping to the right. So what?
I'm waiting for April 30th. THAT'S the date that Dems and Progressives ought to focus on. Why?

"[The war] could last six days, six weeks. I doubt six months."
- Sec of Defense Rumsfeld, 2/7/03.

So, on April 30th, six weeks from now, let's remind everyone of the third anniversary of when this pre-emptive strike was supposed to be over, leaving our troops lanquishing in a diabetic haze of thrown candies, needing their gas masks on to protect them from the heady scents of piles of flowers for the victors.
And remind them of that oh-so-deadly self-delusion that this doddering refugee from the Ford Administration uses for judgement.
My one regret about Rumsfeld is that he'll die long before he is universally recognized for the incompetent he is.

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