Wednesday, August 16, 2006

"Macaca" - Welcome To The Real World of Virginia

George Allen is a racist SOB! George Allen also happens to be the senator from Virginia. And his racism is, according to him, the real representation of Virginia. And he's right. Virginia is home to hundreds of thousands of racist bastards. You know how I know? Because they elected him! This is a guy who moved to Virginia from California because he knew they'd never elect him in California, not after driving around with a Confederate flag painted on his car. This is guy who keeps a noose in his office in Washington, to remind himself of the good old days. A guy who knows a nigger when he sees one, and would have been laughed out of that Virginia Republican meeting if he'd called S.R. Sidarth, a native Virginian born of Indian parents, a nigger. Because George Allen knows that this guy was a 'macaca,' actually spelled macaque in his mother's native Tuunisian French, at whose knee George learned his racist attitudes and the correct vocabulary to go with it. It's the name of a type of monkey, and it's been used for decades, in Africa and in white supremacist gangs here, to specify non-whites of Arab or Indian ancestry. And George Allen is a very discriminating racist!
Go check out '

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