Sunday, August 29, 2010

9-11, Katrina, and my birthday

It's my birthday. I'm 55. Weirdly, this birthday seems to matter, while most of the others haven't mattered, at least not since 31.
No, this isn't going to be middle-aged angst, but there is a bit of reflection due on these dates, and this one happens to have a syncronicity with the news, and recent history.
See, my 50th birthday, for which my wife held a surprise, and surprisingly fun party, got upstaged somewhat by Hurricane Katrina. I suppose for the rest of my life, I'll get to hear about that event on my birthday, like folks born on 9/11 or 11/23. Folks born on 8/8 or 8/9 got off easy this year, as no major news outlet commented on that event. Look it up.
Being a political activist, I remember the flooding of New Orleans in the wake of Katrina as the beginning of the end of the Junior Bush mystique. There on television, on every channel, was the incompetence of the omnipotent, unstoppable Republican machine. Just about a year later, the 1000-year Reich of One-Party Rule that Karl Rove had trumpeted came crashing down in the Democratic sweep of majorities in both houses of Congress.
In just a couple of weeks, we'll get the 9-11 remembrances. The other main inflection point in the arch of the Junior Administration. In all the recent polling on Obama's popularity, comparing his to that of other presidents at this point in their first terms. Missing in those analyses is that Junior Bush had the lowest incoming ratings of any president since they started polling. Well below 50%. 'Course, his did start by being appointed over the wishes of a majority of Americans. His actual popularity stayed in the toilet until 9-11. Suddenly, he could do no wrong. Suddenly, even my leftiest friends thought Junior was wonderful. My wife and I were in Europe on 9-11, so we missed the "all 9-11, all the time" media black-out/white-wash. (More about that on that date.)
But the similarity of the two events, 9-11 and Katrina,  each just over eight months from Junior's two presidential inaugurations, and the effect they had on how America viewed him and his, strikes me. The first gave carte-blanche to a perceived incompetent, and the second exposed the incompetence and cronyism of an administration that had seemed capable of doing, or getting away with, anything.

One of the many lessons I draw from this is that old saw, "Success is being ready when luck comes around." The Republicans were ready, with legislation and policy initiatives, especially ones that had nothing to do with national defense or terrorism, and rode America's sympathy for the president to every one of their goals. These included the re-election of the Junior King, a dubious bet even after all this.

Four years later, constant organizing by the other political wing of America made it ready when Katrina hit. Hit not just New Orleans, but the entire Republican apparatus.  Liberals, progressives and independents who'd either never drunk the FOX Kool-Aid or who'd snapped out of it after so many other things had already gone wrong saw an opening in the poll numbers, and ran the table in 2006. If the White House had been on offer in that cycle, they'd have taken that, too.

Since it fell on my birthday, I think a lot a bout Katrina, and New Orleans. I never went there before the levees collapsed. A conference we were supposed to attend ther in Nov of '05 got moved to some other city, naturally. I've been since. Seen the French Quarter. Seen the Ninth Ward. Sent money to various efforts there. I won't make any recommendations, because if you want to, you already have made donations, and will again. But Harry Shearer has a documentary in theatres tomorrow, The Big Uneasy, about how it wasn't Katrina that destroyed New Orleans, it was the poorly designed, badly built, and rarely maintained levee system that did the damage. Go see it.

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