Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Breeding Tells The Tale

Why is anyone surprised by this Dubai Ports deal? Money knows no national allegiance, Junior is all about money, and anything that makes him and his a LOT more money is just fine. Since no American company of significance manages any of the major ports, there's no Bush money in putting them into American hands. But the Mahtouock (sp?) family that runs Dubai are also heavy investors in the Carlyle group that the Bush family has a lot of money in, and son Neil's Insight company has funding from that same family. So Junior won't bite the hand that feeds his family.
In doing this, Junior demonstrates his lack of faith in the American system to provide safe harbor for his family through thick and thin, and he demonstrates his priorities: family first, law second, nation last.
Not surprising for a Mexican father who's seen his family and city neglected ond abused by a single-party government for 70 years, (the goal of the current ReagaNaziCorp.) But for the wealthy son of the wealthy son of the wealthy son of a new York international banker? Well, that's Junior's argument for the elimination of the inheritance tax, and it speaks volumes to me about why it needs to be kept, and the rate increased.
By definition, Junior is an American, because he was born here (more later.) But by temperament, by family upbringing, and as evidenced by every act he has committed in his sorry life, Junior is not American. He is almost anti-American. How'd this clown get to be president? Oh, yea! Family!

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