Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Cheney leaving? Won't hold my breath!

My favorite load'a'crap rumor going around right now is that Cheney will step down/be pushed out after the 2006 elections.
Reasons given: 1) He's a liability since the shooting. 2) His health is failing. 3) The Republican Party doesn't have a vice president to run for president in 2008.
Bullshit! In order:
1) When hasn't he been a liability? Please name ONE example of political or administrative competence. Not even brilliance, just competence. Everything this guy touches turns to shit, from energy policy to hunting with friends. I'll bet Ms. Willeford doesn't return his calls anymore, either.
2) This guy's health isn't any worse or better than it was when he picked himself to be vice-president, except that his knees have had heart-attacks since then. And when he's tired, he can just rest out of sight. Every one simply assumes he's off cooking up more tragedies for America to live through and pay for.
3) Republicans need a VP to run for prez in 2008. No argument, this has been the usual pattern for the Republicans. Nixon, Ford, Bush I, Quayle(!?). But the problem here isn't that Cheney won't run, the problem is, who would replace him?
Any respectable candidate for 2008 would want to avoid having two years of the taint of the Worst President Ever. (This is deservedly in caps.) This would immediately gurantee his loss at the polls, and the end of his political career.
Nor would he be acceptable to the Bush White House, since anyone who speaks English and can hold two thoughts in their mind at the same time is going to make Bush look even less competent than he does now. Why do you think the only event Bush and Cheney both spoke at in the last six years was when they were giving unsworn testimony to the 9-11 Commission?!
So what's the point of putting some new face in to replace Cheney when you can't show him off without reminding every voter of the turd you foisted off on them for president in the first place. If anything, it may run off even more voters than the current 'team' will repulse with their ongoing mis-management and malfeasance.

More real stuff later today...

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