Thursday, April 27, 2006

Just What America Needed !

Two quick thoughts, and then off for a well-deserved trip with my honey...

1) They picked Tony Snow because he was dirty from the Sr. Bush Administration. Much has been made of the impossibility of bringing truly fresh (read 'innocent') talent into the Whore House, so haing them use the same old staffing technique, 'Load up from Dad's Administration,' shouldn't have been a surprise. What it DOES confirm is that FOX News is the same as Hudson, Manhattan, American Enterprise, or any of the other 'Institutes' that the ReagaNazis park themselves in when they're out of power...Not just a cheerleader, but an official part of the Party.

2) America needed Bush the Junior. Really!

And while I'm gone, I'm going to put together a justification for that statement that is already several pages long in my head...

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