Friday, May 05, 2006

It depends on what 'Accomplished' accomplished

During the 'celebrations' earlier this week, of the third anniversary of Junior's landing(?) on the carrier, and of 'Mission Accomplished,' I realized two things:

First, 'Mission Accomplished' was exactly 6 weeks after the start of the invasion. You know, as in "it'll take six days, six weeks...I doubt six months." So this is a celebration not only of their lack of planning for the war, but of their pre-planning for the photo-op. Boy, was Colbert right!

And second, I figured out why Junior's bulge was so large.
Before you think I'm overly-focused on Junior's package, realize that most Fox commentators spent that day remarking on it (listen to Stephanie Miller's podcast of April 28, 2006, reading the transcripts. They're hysterical!) My dad, a WWII Air Force bomber pilot, had duty in England, including teaching flying, and being trained on how to land on a carrier. The Navy then had an unofficial 'Order of the Diaper' for each new initiate into the sheer terror of letting someone else, the flagman on the deck, tell you how to land your plane on a short, pitching airfield in the middle of the ocean.

If you stage a massive, internationally-televised photo op, you don't want your star refusing his big entrance 'cause he's wet himself, do you?! What's your insurance policy?

Can you say 'Depends?'

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