Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Surprise! I'm AGAINST Impeachment !

All these angry people, buzzing about, 'Impeach! Impeach!'
Don't they see what has happened in America? Don't they see how it has happened?
Don't they understand that Junior is just the hood ornament, the cherry on top, the symptom of the disease?
And if they insist, immediately, on the passion play of 'The Impeachment of George Walker Bush,' that no one will have any stomach for the REAL investigations into the real crime, that of one-party rule, collusion among the three branches of government, collusion between the government, the ReagaNaziCorporation (RNC) and corporate America! And with Republicans running a rear-guard action that these additional investigations are just retribution fro Dems being out of power for so long, they'll look like the underdogs.
If they really believe that removing the hood ornament means anything other than that the car goes into the shop for a few days, they're wrong.
I want to put the Republican machine in that car cruncher that OddJob used in Goldfinger. I want every participant as the guy in the trunk of that car when it went into the compactor....

And then I want to put the hood ornament on my mantle as a trophy. Like Franken says, do a quickie impeachment between Election Day '08 and Jan 20 '09, just to show the world the disdain we hold for this petty tyrant.
...and then cancel his Secret Service detail, just for grins....

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