Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Mary Cheney really tics me off

Mary Cheney really tics me off. She's got a book out, explaining why....why...why her parents could use her sexual orientation to win votes among the Log Cabin Republicans, but she's pissed off that Kerry used it to point up the hypocrisy of her parents, her party, her campaign, HER, in supporting the BushCheney '04 campaign against gays! She doesn't think people (gays) should be one-issue voters, but her Party's whole campaign is to create a union of one-issue voters, whether they're anti-abortion, anti-immigrant, or anti-gay marriage.

One of the little conflicts I'd like her to address is that homo-haters, this administration's supporters, claim homosexuality is either a choice or the failing of the parents. Of course, no one would choose to be treated the way gays are in America, so it must be bad parenting. So which convicted drunk driver is the failing parent here, Dick or Lynne? These two paragons of the Party of Family Values! (I won't even mention those other fine parents, George and Laura.)

The fact is that most evidence says homosexuality is genetic. So which side of the family did it come down to arrive at Mary? Since her older sister's conception date was exactly 2 days after the military lifted the ban on drafting married but childless men, Dick's fifth(!) deferment seems to demonstrate that neither Dick nor Lynne was particularly interested in parenting, just in staying out of Nam (him) and keeping him in better paying jobs (her.)
The answer may lie in Lynne Cheney's "Sisters", a fine novel of women on the American plains.

I'm just saying...

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