Friday, June 19, 2009

Iran's Supreme Leader: "Suck Eggs!"

No, he didn't say it in those words, but how else should his two hour's of "Nothing to see here. Move along" be taken?

On the one hand, he told all the marchers that marching in the streets is no way to solve anything, hoping the older Iranians won't remind the younger ones that that's how he and his pals overthrew the Shah and came to power.

Instead, his reminder was that the way to change things is by elections. Like the one they just had, where the results were announced before the ballots could be counted. By a margin that no one believes, on either side of the election.

Which leaves exactly what options for the citizens of Iran? Shut up, sit down, take what we dish out. And be glad we don't come in the night and take you away, Allah be praised.

How exactly is this different from the reign of the Shah?

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