Sunday, June 14, 2009

"Start Again!"

This blog has been dormant for quite a while, as I was busy >ha!< during the last election.

Since then, I've been trying to decide whether to return here, or just leave it, another of the millions of blogs abandoned every year, for lack of diligence, for lack of something to say, or overtaken by newer technology.

So, as is evident from this post, I'm back. Here's why. The voices in my head won't shut-up.

There's the vociferous hater of Republicans, often the loudest and longest-winded(!). There's the tech geek, agog at what science discovers and engineers invent.
The comedian calls back to the humor of the past to inform the events in the news.
And then there's the analyst, always rolling problems and situations over and over, trying to find a new and better solution, or pry apart a system to find its flaw.

Eugene Volokh wrote once that a successful blog should stay focused on one subject, and that its postings should be relatively short.

I've considered having a blog for each of these voices, to prevent readers from having to wade through them to find the subjects they want.

But for simplicity's sake, I'll simply label the voices, and the reader can fallow the ones of interest to them...

But first, I am called to dinner. And 'cause my wife is a great cook, I'm never late for dinner.

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